One of Newton's laws says (roughly) that an object continues to remain in its state of rest or uniform motion unless an external force acts upon it... I think this holds in the following way:
That in places like the ashram,we are at our natural selves, uniform state of rest and happiness and where we experiences forces like Guru Tatva that produces positive acceleration -towards our 'source'- to which all of us are knowingly or unknowingly moving
When we come to the outside world, negative external forces pull us down, slowing down our rate of acceleration and with our sadhana, we move forward at a considerably slower rate which to which more positive forces like seva and satsang add up... :)
All these negative forces don't let us be ourselves-be it desire, greed, ambition, anger...frustration...all these are not us, cause when we are comfortable and away from them, we want or play, laugh, have fun and do whatever we do back in the ashram.. Everybody faces glow and charm the other faces around
But in the 'real world', these negative forces overcome us and we start to think that they are us...But as we meditate and do kriya, we get the energy to realize them and handle them, hence the peace and the charm are back, but it's more difficult around here, unless you keep increasing and sustaining the meditation exponentially..
This is something I realized and this does not come easy...Handling them is an 'art' in itself and takes courage and strength..
True Love (in the romantic sense) is not experienced truly unless you are in that stable state...it does for a few...There is absolutely no point looking for it - it simply wont work that way, it has to happen, otherwise it will be fake and short-lived not to mention painful....and totally unnecessary
On the other hand, it gives us time to focus on what we truly are and why we are and so on..Who knows even if we do that, we might find yet another puzzle to solve maybe in a new universe which will take even more millions of lifetimes to find. And we wont know unless we crack this...and even thinking of this takes so long...
And yea, I guess it helps if in love there is a higher goal...That's when the love has full chances of survival...But then who knows, love might be just a ruse for progeny of species..Still..it feels good..in every little way (when it happens and if it does )
But for all eternity, it is Guruji for me, whether I sometimes forget or not ...He's the only one who is ALWAYS there, in his own mysterious ways... And I love him for that

nice post!apart from 5s , i think dispassion plays a major in helping one be self-centered.viveka helps to a large extent too!
keep blogging .
cool ..nice ... i liked the ending
good post!! infact by reading this post i got to know more about the internal and external world. The force and the power included in it.
keep blogging
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