Saturday, January 17, 2009

firecrackers again...

There were firecrackers again...Last night and that's when I felt that everybody in the world is looking for love..and trust and care...That through this we were all connected..I felt like a sales girls giving pamphlets at the beach (where there was a fire work display at the closing ceremony of the Chennai Sangamam which lent a whole different feel to the beach), but it just suddenly hit me, that I was doing something sacred giving people something they all deserve because they were born- a guru...This was one of the ways their guru- the unconditional love they were looking for was calling for them and that is the best gift anyone could give anyone else- to be an instrument for their Guru to find them.. an answer to their qustions, to thieir sorrows, their joy, their love, their life...

I figured out that that was what I was looking for too....but I always had it. I just needed to realize that... and slowly, I am.

Then, there is the Gita, I am reading the seventh Chapter now, and it is making it s presence felt in my life...Just a few pages a day..I have no idea in what way, but it lends a certain sacredness to everything, pulls you forward, makes you move on..

And then, I just want to break free, from anger, from inhibition, from the 'cant' attitude, from I can't live without, from frustration, from sorrow, from embarrassment.....And I just want to be one, with everything around me, after all, underneath, we all look for the same things...And we are one...however we may behave or seem to be...and a part of everything and everyone..

Saturday, January 10, 2009

dawn again

A new year !!! :) and my advanced course at the ashram was amazing. There s no better way to spend the New Year than in silence even though that might be slightly hard. And I m glad I did it. Silence at the right time, gives one strength and a chance to dive deep inside and get to know oneself, a little better.There s whole world in there that needs time to grow the right way.

My resolution: To keep myself focused in the moment and embrace it
and to wake up early ( unsuccesful, so far) but i havent given s my war with the bed and I mean to win it...

I m currently reading 'The Last Lecture' by Randy Pausch (if that's the spelling) and it s wowed me :) right from the start. He says: (roughly) if you figure out that you have limited time on this planet ( we definetly do) and you are at the end of it, what you wish to contribute to others is the question to ask..what learning do you wish to share with those around you, to make their lives easier..
Randy Pausch, by the way, was a lecturer at the Carnegie Mellon University in the US before he was diagnosed with terminal cancer at the age of 30 something and delivered his last lecture, as a tradition, in this amazing a book...

Like Dinesh Bhaiya says, each moment is a gift and we have to make full use of it....