Wednesday, December 24, 2008

I read this really amazing paragraph in this book called ' The Power of Now' and it quite suddenly changed my mood. I was randomly fipping through the pages feeling extremely grumpy and lonely..when I found the page that said (in brief) that pain through anger, frustration, disappointment...or negative thoughts is like a parasite that slowly feeds on you, feeds on itself and slowly becomes you. And the only way to counter it, is to simply be aware of it.

And it will vanish..thought it might show signs of coming back, all one has to do is simply be aware of it. People have said it so many times...i ve read it so many times...but it hit me...especially Budhha's definition of enlightenment that i found on further reading....enlightenment is the state where there s no suffering...and everything there is to know about anything is all within us...this too, is something that i ve read in so many places....but this time, it hit me...

and pain and suffering are just figments of our mind...they may seem real and sometimes may be too..but only by reaching down and probing into it and having the courage to face it can only help.. the fact remains they can be overcome...because they arent real....and that s what i m figuring out...

and also there s this wonderful book called 'Seven Spiritual Laws of Success' Deepak Chopra .which i m too lazy to summarize now but i will :) everyone has to know about will hit them sometime...if now now, when they want it to, it will ..