Sunday, October 24, 2010

a burst of light

stumbling through the mazes and thickets
through the forests of fate, of illusion
running round and round in circles
sudden bursts of clarity, amid bursts of confusion

what a world, what a day, what a second
has not passed by under your watchful eye
under the endless sky
as your face over the blanket of stars,
the moon at your brow
the sun- your hair

what love fills me,
at your very thought
it sears me, the ecstacy
when you look at me
through the photograph, through the fabric of space and time

your grace fills my void

i stumble upon your light
in those endless forests of maya

and then your light illuminates the path
chases away those wisps of darkness
cuts away those sinuous, stealthy vines of my mind

as i'm born again unto you
i die..and i m renewed, never to be lost again
but to find myself in a new place, through each moment's grace
fresh as dew in the lotus pond

Friday, October 22, 2010

what it seems like.

i guess most people would know this, but 'the world is not what it seems' is such an understatement. There's so much we don't know, and we never will. But there is something that we must do, at least I believe that keeping my conscience free is important. But doing just that one thing, if one is brutally honest with oneself, could be the hardest thing to EVER do, depending on whether you see yourself as Gandhi or just a normal human being.

I mean there's nothing in this world, that one can trust, not even the mind, which is the WORST of them all. But it is just that voice of conscience if one is sensitive enough to lend an ear to that makes a difference i guess, it is the only way to peace.Even that can come only from self-awareness and when does one began to ask such questions of oneself? I guess that's what makes all the difference.

In this world full of deception and misery, it s all in the mind and the voice of conscience, untainted by the mind, is the only way...

That's where spirituality begins and that is an end in itself. the quenching of an eternal thirst... how do i know? well i m giving it a shot. it's worth that.