Wednesday, August 13, 2008


The other day, I was watching Guruji's commentary on the Narada Bhakti Sutras and something which he said really struck me:
(Not in his words- but the essence of it)
Maya means that which is measurable and all the things in this world are measurable...But that is not real..because, measurement is relative- what weighs 40kgs here, will weigh only around 20 kgs (forgive my calculations here, I have forgotten my Physics after leaving school) on the moon and it will be weightless in space..SO our measurements are not real...

Then, when we judge people, we are only measuring them, then HOW can they be real? What you judge of a person, is not a person.. They are not their qualities, they just are ( I leave it blank, Guruji knows, all of us who know Guruji, have learnt it from him, but do not KNOW it yet, as we are yet to experience it at its fullest...which we will and those who do not, just do the course mail in to ask how :) cause I presume you want to know who your own selves are ...

So watch your mind, it is quite an interesting thing to do, capable of engaging you for a long time and with interesting results too as I have experienced :) might explain my periods of silence emerges a new person when one does that..and when you find yourself judging, know that none of it is real.. one does not even know oneself, how can one know others??

1 comment:

Krishna Kalyan said...

weight on earth = 1/6 weight on moon