Well finally I ve landed myself in the Blogger's list..and I don't know what to write...But one thing I did notice is that most blogs are black... Wonder why? And there really is no point point wondering about silly things like these when you can wonder about bigger questions in life- like why you were born , which brings you back to square one and you start wishing you would have rather wondered about silly things rather than wonder about the bigger things wondering why you started wondering in the first place... This is a peek into what my mind used to be like...and thankfully it had reduced a great deal with all the kriya... Oh Btw, once you start wondering about why you were born, who created the world, who created the creator of the world and who created the creator of the creator and so on...it sticks on and prods you to find out more which is why I am where I currently am.Well what I have learnt is that these things simply are- like the sun is...There is no point wondering who put it there...the point is he put it there and it helps ( in an understatement) and we just accept it and move on to other bigger things...this applies to everything only they re harder to accept than the fact that the sun is there (which we dont notice until the beads of perspiration combine to form an ocean and drench you, in turn fuelling petrol costs as people employ the nearest means of transport to escape) Maybe that's why there s a petrol bunk strike here..This may do good as people might understand the value of petrol and start being more cautious?? Maybe
Ok getting to the point..what can one really do about inflation?
Impose tax cuts? find alternative fuel? the least one can do is car-pool or walk down to nearby places as often as possible...Out of experience, I have found out that public transport is impossible to use in Chennai, even worse if it rains.. What will people do if all the petrol in the world runs out?? How do Hybrid cars work here?...Homework for the next post :)